This morning I synchronistically came across this blog article that I had last worked on in March of 2015, but never shared for some reason. At that point in my life, 8 years ago, I had been researching, practicing, teaching, and counseling others with Jungian inspired soul work techniques, Tibetan Buddhist breath work and mindfulness techniques, guided visualizations, shamanic journeying, Ecotherapy, and soul retrieval. I had developed specialties in conscious love work with couples and helping individuals heal from abandonment trauma and childhood trauma.
I have been riding the wave of this initiation and awakening I went through ever since. At the time that I wrote this article, I was launching my second website and creating content for it, and I have to say that this article, (which I only used part of in my blog article back then- probably because this Soul work stuff was still a newer, edgier concept for most folks at that time) really captured my passion for this inner work. It was nice to revisit my slightly younger self and the passion I felt (and still feel to this day) as I shared this glimpse into the gift of my self healing and awakening to my own inner beloved.
How many of us suffering from abandonment fear in our romantic relationships ever stopped to consider whether or not our own souls might be feeling abandoned? Perhaps abandonment fear, which is quite prevalent in this culture, is really our own unconscious projection stemming from the fact that our own beloved souls have been trying to tell us that they feel abandoned. How do we deal with those times in our life when we suddenly realize that something has been missing that is keeping us at arms length from true meaningfulness and happiness? What if that something is a societally driven disconnect from our own souls? What I am suggesting, just as Thomas Moore (one of the late Carl Jung’s closest mentees) has been trying to tell us for decades, is that we challenge ourselves to stop succumbing to this empty cereal box existence that our materialistic society wants us to subscribe to. Instead, lets take a giant leap for soul-kind and redirect our attention away from the fear-based, mainstream culture driven voice of our underdeveloped egos and attune ourselves and our egos to the wisdom and vision of our own timeless souls?
One thing that I have learned since allowing my soul to take the driver’s seat, is that I am too excited about all of the possible things that my soul wants to learn and experience. I don’t have enough time in my day. I feel giddy and euphoric about having any free time. Time, especially time with my loved one’s, time to meditate on my intentions, time in nature, and time to be a soul activist, is extremely precious to me, much more now than before I descended and became the co-pilot of my soul. Time with other soul-awakened folks, talking about our soul work or dancing our soul’s expression at an ecstatic dance or Kirtan music gathering.
I am so much happier and at peace with myself and my relationship with my loved ones now that my soul is in the drivers seat that I passionately want to help as many folks as possible learn how to attune to their soul’s wisdom and vision and reap the same rewards. I feel as though I have shifted, at least energetically, into being a living prayer to spread this message. Not that I’m special. I believe that this is possible for just about anyone willing to do their shadow work and let their soul lead the way. It’s contagious. The seeds of soulfulness like to spread around. It is an energy that boils down to pure love. This soul energy travels in the wind and in songs and rituals, and words like these that I am writing. It’s not me, it’s divinity lovingly using my human. What better purpose is there for this life of mine?
It’s a beautiful feeling to live so fully from my soul. My family and friends seem to love me even more deeply now than before. Not to mention that the feeling is mutual. In fully inhabiting my soul I now sustain a depth of love that words cannot describe.
The way my soul wants to spend time doesn’t always seem rational to me. I’m reading and writing and researching passionately about Ecotherapy, soul work, conscious love, poverty and income inequality in the U.S., and dance movement therapy. Oh, and I’m downloading soul inspiring music as well. Yes, I should be dusting and mopping my floors more often. But it’s hard to reign in the passion of my soul. It’s almost as though my soul and my spirit (who combined are my inner Beloved) have successfully completed couples therapy and are now in deep love with each other. Have I fully integrated my beloved? Is this what has happened? “YES. And we will at times need to revisit our “couples therapy ”as the journey of the human soul is never linear. There will be quagmires and detours where new lessons will be learned and more wisdom will be gained. The spiral of growth is always widening.” (That was my beloved answering.) Part of the benefit of really embodying my beloved is getting this. There will be ebbs and flows. There will be negotiations between what my spirit wants and what my soul needs, but together they can guide me to reach my full potential. Wow, this is the alchemy of my soul and spirit fully integrating with my human self. Here I am, a complete yin-yang with my own beloved. It sure took me a while to get here! I wonder what they have in store for me next?